One day I was out a huntin'
Then I saw a lil' ol' boar
It was the one, the only one
The one they called small boar
Saw me too
Charged at me
Ran into a tree
Jumped on its back
Gave it a whack
Then the small boar fell dead
After I was done I took a shhhhoooower.
The next day, I was out a huntin'
Saw a medium ol' boar
Was the one, the only one
The one they called average boar
Saw me too
Charged at me
Ran into a tree
Jumped on its back
Gave it a whack
Then the average boar fell dead
Walking home I saw a duck, I said let's have a fuuuuun time.
The next day, I was out a huntin'
Saw a big ol' boar
Was the one, the only one
The one they called great ol' boar
Saw me too
Charged at me
Ran into a tree
Jumped on its back
Gave it a whack
Then the big boar fell dead
To celebrate, out at the dock I ate some cooooookies
Then I fell dead, dead dead dead!
Now we all are dead!