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Browse Soundtracks:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
From the Album 1. Look Down
    by Les Miserables Cast
2. The Bishop
    by Les Misérables Cast
3. Valjean's Soliloquy
    by Les Misérables Cast
4. At the End of the Day
    by Les Miserables Cast
5. I Dreamed a Dream
    by Les Miserables Cast
6. The Confrontation
    by Les Misérables Cast
7. Castle on a Cloud
    by Les Miserables Cast
8. Master of the House
    by Les Miserables Cast
9. Suddenly
    by Les Misérables Cast
10. Stars
      by Les Miserables Cast
11. ABC Cafe / Red And Black
      by Les Misérables Cast
12. In My Life / A Heart Full Of Love
      by Les Misérables Cast
13. On My Own
      by Les Misérables Cast
14. One Day More!
      by Les Miserables Cast
15. Drink With Me
      by Les Misérables Cast
16. Bring Him Home
      by Les Miserables Cast
17. The Final Battle
      by Les Miserables Cast
18. Javert's Suicide
      by Les Misérables Cast
19. Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
      by Les Miserables Cast
20. Epilogue
      by Les Misérables Cast

From the Album 1. The Runaway Cart
    by Les Miserables Cast
2. Overture / Work Song / Look Down
    by Les Miserables Cast
3. Valjean Arrested/Valjean Forgiven
    by Les Miserables Cast
4. What Have I Done?
    by Les Miserables Cast
5. At the End of the Day
    by Les Miserables Cast
6. I Dreamed a Dream
    by Les Miserables Cast
7. Lovely Ladies
    by Les Miserables Cast
8. Who Am I?
    by Les Miserables Cast
9. Fantine's Arrest + Come to Me (Fantine's Death)
    by Les Misérables Cast
10. Confrontation
      by Les Miserables Cast
11. Castle on a Cloud
      by Les Miserables Cast
12. Master of the House
      by Les Miserables Cast
13. The Thenardier Waltz of Treachery
      by Les Miserables Cast
14. Look Down
      by Les Miserables Cast
15. Stars
      by Les Miserables Cast
16. Red and Black - The ABC Cafe
      by Les Miserables Cast
17. Do You Hear the People Sing?
      by Les Miserables Cast
18. In My Life
      by Les Miserables Cast
19. A Heart Full of Love
      by Les Miserables Cast
20. Plumet Attack
      by Les Miserables Cast
21. One Day More!
      by Les Miserables Cast
      by Les Miserables Cast
23. On My Own
      by Les Misérables Cast
24. Upon These Stones / Building the Barricade
      by Les Miserables Cast
25. Javert at the Barricade/Little People
      by Les Miserables Cast
26. The First Attack
      by Les Miserables Cast
27. A Little Fall of Rain
      by Les Miserables Cast
28. The night / Drink With Me
      by Les Miserables Cast
29. Bring Him Home
      by Les Miserables Cast
30. Dog Eats Dog
      by Les Miserables Cast
31. Javert's Suicide
      by Les Misérables Cast
32. Turning
      by Les Miserables Cast
33. Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
      by Les Miserables Cast
34. Wedding Chorale/Beggars at the Feast
      by Les Miserables Cast
35. Finale
      by Les Miserables Cast
36. The Bargain
      by Les Miserables Cast
37. The Robbery
      by Les Miserables Cast
38. Javert's Intervention
      by Les Misérables Cast
39. Eponine'e Errand
      by Les Misérables Cast
40. Javert's Arrival
      by Les Misérables Cast
41. Night Of Anguish
      by Les Miserables Cast
42. The Second Attack (Death Of Gavroche)
      by Les Misérables Cast
43. The Final Battle
      by Les Miserables Cast
44. Valjean's Confession
      by Les Misérables Cast
45. Everyday
      by Les Miserables Cast
46. Finale 2
      by Les Miserables Cast

From the Album 1. Prologue
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
2. Any Dream Will Do
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
3. Jacob & Sons
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
4. Joseph's Coat
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
5. Joseph's Dreams
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
6. Poor, Poor Joseph
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
7. One More Angel in Heaven
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
8. Potiphar
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
9. Close Every Door
    by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
10. Go, Go, Go Joseph
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
11. Pharaoh Story
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
12. Poor, Poor Pharaoh
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
13. Song of the King (Seven Fat Cows)
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
14. Pharaoh's Dreams Explained
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
15. Stone the Crows
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
16. Those Canaan Days
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
17. Brothers Come to Egypt
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
18. Grovel, Grovel
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
19. Who's the Thief?
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
20. Benjamin Calypso
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
21. Joseph All the Time
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
22. Jacob in Egypt
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
23. Finale
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast
24. Joseph Megamix
      by Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Cast

From the Album 1. Prologue: Into the Woods
    by Into the Woods Cast
2. Cinderella at the Grave
    by Joanna Riding
3. Hello, Little Girl
    by Johnny Depp
4. Rapunzel's Song
    by Mackenzie Mauzy
5. The Cape as Red as Blood
    by Stephen Sondheim
6. The Cow as White as Milk
    by James Corden
7. Magic Beans
    by Stephen Sondheim
8. Rapunzel's Hair
    by Stephen Sondheim
9. Granny's Cottage
    by Stephen Sondheim
10. I Know Things Now
      by Lilla Crawford
11. The Beanstalk Grows
      by Stephen Sondheim
12. Cinderella Runs
      by Stephen Sondheim
13. A Very Nice Prince
      by Anna Kendrick
14. Giants in the Sky
      by Daniel Huttlestone
15. Who Cares!
      by Stephen Sondheim
16. Baker and Wife Part
      by Stephen Sondheim
17. Princes' Fanfare
      by Stephen Sondheim
18. Agony
      by Chris Pine
19. The Forbidden Tower
      by Stephen Sondheim
20. May I Compare This Ear of Corn?
      by Stephen Sondheim
21. It Takes Two
      by James Corden
22. Two Midnights Gone
      by Stephen Sondheim
23. One Day Left
      by Stephen Sondheim
24. Stay With Me
      by Meryl Streep
25. Jack Chops Down the Beanstalk
      by Stephen Sondheim
26. On The Steps Of The Palace
      by Anna Kendrick
27. She Won't Get Far With One Shoe
      by Stephen Sondheim
28. Searching for Cinderella
      by Stephen Sondheim
29. Careful My Toe
      by Christine Baranski
30. The Slipper Fits
      by Stephen Sondheim
31. Rapunzel's Tear
      by Stephen Sondheim
32. This Cow Is Covered With Flour
      by Stephen Sondheim
33. Almost Midnight
      by Stephen Sondheim
34. The Witch's Transformation
      by Stephen Sondheim
35. Ever After
      by Stephen Sondheim
36. Back Into the Woods
      by Stephen Sondheim
37. Find the Boy
      by Stephen Sondheim
38. Witch's Lament
      by Meryl Streep
39. Any Moment
      by Chris Pine
40. Moments in the Woods
      by Emily Blunt
41. Your Fault
      by James Corden
42. Last Midnight
      by Meryl Streep
43. No More
      by Stephen Sondheim
44. The Far Away Prince
      by Stephen Sondheim
45. No One Is Alone
      by James Corden
46. The Giant Attack
      by Stephen Sondheim
47. Finale/Children Will Listen (Part 1)
      by James Corden
48. Finale/Children Will Listen (Part 2)
      by Into the Woods Cast
49. Stay With Me
      by Stephen Sondheim
50. Last Midnight
      by Stephen Sondheim

From the Album 1. Prologue: Into the Woods
    by Into the Woods Cast
2. Cinderella at the Grave
    by Into the Woods Cast
3. Hello Little Girl
    by Into the Woods Cast
4. I Guess This Is Goodbye
    by Into the Woods Cast
5. Maybe They're Magic
    by Into the Woods Cast
6. I Know Things Now
    by Into the Woods Cast
7. Very Nice Prince
    by Into the Woods Cast
8. First Midnight
    by Into the Woods Cast
9. Giants in the Sky
    by Into the Woods Cast
10. Agony
      by Into the Woods Cast
11. It Takes Two
      by Into the Woods Cast
12. Stay With Me
      by Into the Woods Cast
13. On the Steps of the Palace
      by Into the Woods Cast
14. Ever After
      by Into the Woods Cast
15. Act II Prologue: So Happy
      by Into the Woods Cast
16. Witch's Entrance
      by Into the Woods Cast
17. Lament
      by Into the Woods Cast
18. Any Moment
      by Into the Woods Cast
19. Moments in the Woods
      by Into the Woods Cast
20. Your Fault
      by Into the Woods Cast
21. Last Midnight
      by Into the Woods Cast
22. No More
      by Into the Woods Cast
23. No One Is Alone
      by Into the Woods Cast
24. Finale: Children Will Listen
      by Into the Woods Cast
25. Back To The Palace
      by Into the Woods Cast
26. Boom Crunch
      by Into the Woods Cast

From the Album 1. Good Morning Baltimore
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
2. The Nicest Kids In Town
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
3. Mama, I'm A Big Girl Now
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
4. I Can Hear The Bells
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
5. (The Legend of) Miss Baltimore Crabs
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
6. It Takes Two
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
7. Welcome To The 60's
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
8. Run And Tell That!
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
9. Big, Blonde And Beautiful
    by Hairspray Musical Cast
10. The Big Dollhouse
      by Hairspray Musical Cast
11. Good Morning Baltimore Reprise
      by Hairspray Musical Cast
12. (You're) Timeless To Me
      by Hairspray Musical Cast
13. Without Love
      by Hairspray Musical Cast
14. I Know Where I've Been
      by Hairspray Musical Cast
15. (It's) Hairspray
      by Hairspray Musical Cast
16. Cooties
      by Hairspray Musical Cast
17. You Can't Stop The Beat
      by Hairspray Musical Cast

From the Album 1. Good Morning Baltimore
    by Nikki Blonsky
2. The Nicest Kids in Town
    by James Marsden
3. It Takes Two
    by Zac Efron
4. (The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs
    by Michelle Pfeiffer
5. I Can Hear the Bells
    by Nikki Blonsky
6. Ladies' Choice
    by Zac Efron
7. The New Girl in Town
    by Brittany Snow
8. Welcome to the 60's
    by Nikki Blonsky
9. Run and Tell That
    by Elijah Kelley
10. Big Blonde And Beautiful
      by Queen Latifah
11. Big, Blonde and Beautiful (Reprise)
      by John Travolta
12. (You're) Timeless to Me
      by John Travolta
13. I Know Where Ive Been
      by Queen Latifah
14. Without Love
      by Zac Efron
15. (It's) Hairspray
      by James Marsden
16. You Can't Stop the Beat
      by Nikki Blonsky
17. Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)
      by Queen Latifah, Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky and Elijah Kelley
18. Cooties
      by Aimee Allen
19. Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now
      by Ricki Lake

From the Album 1. Aquarius
    by Hair Cast
2. Donna
    by Hair Cast
3. Hashish
    by Hair Cast
4. Sodomy
    by Hair Cast
5. Colored Spade
    by Hair Cast
6. Manchester England
    by Hair Cast
7. Ain't Got No
    by Hair Cast
8. I Believe in Love
    by Hair Cast
9. Ain't Got No (Reprise)
    by Hair Cast
10. Air
      by Hair Cast
11. Initials
      by Hair Cast
12. I Got Life
      by Hair Cast
13. Going Down
      by Hair Cast
14. Hair
      by Hair Cast
15. My Conviction
      by Hair Cast
16. Easy to Be Hard
      by Hair Cast
17. Don't Put it Down
      by Hair Cast
18. Frank Mills
      by Hair Cast
19. Hare Krishna
      by Hair Cast
20. Where Do I Go
      by Hair Cast
21. Electric Blues
      by Hair Cast
22. Black Boys
      by Hair Cast
23. White Boys
      by Hair Cast
24. Walking in Space
      by Hair Cast
25. Abie Baby
      by Hair Cast
26. Three-Five-Zero-Zero
      by Hair Cast
27. What a Piece of Work is Man
      by Hair Cast
28. Good Morning Starshine
      by Hair Cast
30. The Flesh Failures / Let the Sun Shine in
      by Hair Cast

From the Album 1. Runyonlond
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
2. Fugue for Tinhorns
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
3. Follow the Fold
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
4. The Oldest Established
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
5. I'll Know
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
6. A Bushel and a Peck
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
7. Adelaide's Lament
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
8. Guys and Dolls
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
9. Havana
    by Guys And Dolls Cast
10. If I Were a Bell
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
11. My Time of Day
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
12. I've Never Been in Love Before
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
13. Entr'acte; Take Back Your Mink
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
14. Adelaide's Lament (Reprise)
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
15. More I Cannot Wish You
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
16. The Crapshooters' Dance
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
17. Luck Be a Lady
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
18. Sue Me
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
19. Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
20. Marry the Man Today
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
21. Guys and Dolls (Reprise)
      by Guys And Dolls Cast
22. Adelaide Meets Sarah
      by Guys And Dolls Cast

From the Album 1. Grease (Is the Word)
    by Jessie J
2. Summer Nights
    by Aaron Tveit
3. Freddy My Love
    by Keke Palmer
4. Look at Me Im Sandra Dee
    by Vanessa Hudgens
5. Greased Lightnin
    by Aaron Tveit
6. Those Magic Changes
    by Aaron Tveit
7. All I Need Is an Angel
    by Carly Rae Jepsen
8. Beauty School Dropout
    by Boyz II Men
9. Cake By The Ocean
    by DNCE
10. Maybe (Baby)
      by DNCE
11. Born to Hand Jive
      by DNCE
12. Hopelessly Devoted to You
      by Julianne Hough
13. Sandy
      by Aaron Tveit
14. There Are Worse Things I Could Do
      by Vanessa Hudgens
15. Youre the One That I Want
      by Aaron Tveit
16. We Go Together
      by Aaron Tveit

Browse Soundtracks:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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