Red rojo fire so bright
Sunset's glowing outta sight
Blue azul sapphire supreme
Splishy splashy ocean's dreams
The colors play colores bailan
Rainbow magic ¡ven y vean!
Red or rojo azul or blue
Colors shine in every hue
Yellow amarillo shining fun
Like a giggle from the sun
Green verde strong plants so tall
Growing big a carnival
The colors play colores bailan
Rainbow magic ¡ven y vean!
Red or rojo azul or blue
Colors shine in every hue
Purple morado royal bright
Swirling stories outta sight
Pink rosado sweet and strong
Singing love the whole day long
The colors play colores bailan
Rainbow magic ¡ven y vean!
Red or rojo azul or blue
Colors shine in every hue
Red rojo rhymes with oh no
Blue azul cool like a pool
Green verde fresh and free
Yellow amarillo bright like me
Purple morado bold and true
Pink rosado we love you