One little chicken with his beak peck a picking, with his thighs jug a jiggling, make a rumbo-cumbo
One little minkin gonna do slinkin a slinkin', make a time ticka-ticka-tink go
Florida man, he's munchin' on his neighbor. Michigan man, defines a new traitor
Ohio man, smashin' snow with his big truck. Idaho man, says we're all gonna get f*cked
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Two little monkey gonna do, chunk a chunky with their heads dunka-dunky to a rumbo-combo
Two little rabbits with their bad, bad habit, make a bad haba baba bit, let go
Makin' the news with a rocket on your lawn chair, keepin' up props, spreading glue up all in your hair
You're smarter than us all, you've done your own research. Floating in the gene pool doesn't bother me much
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Stomp them with your monster boots
Stomp them with your monster boots
Stomp them with your monster boots
Stomp them with your monster boots
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Three pack a packin with a good, whack a whackin' from an old crack a Kraken, do a rumbo-combo
Three tap a tapin from an old la a lapin from a sweet sap a sap a sin go
Thinking the waves control us like a white mouse, makin' us move, repressing any impulse
Duped by the leaders of your fantasy nation, you're the victim of your own imagination
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is why we can't have anything nice