Needle in a hay baby fish in the sea
Just swipe me right you have everything to gain
Mumble mumble whippin it behooves us to meet
I will let you download me repeatedly
This sounds a little like a show tune
Same song different station
Ba da da dee dum ba da da dee dum
Ba da da dee dum ba da da dee dum
Here it comes
The next one
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo da
Doo ba dee da doo ba dee da
So many men with alphabetic initials
Just swipe me right you have everything to gain
I got a penchant for the same
There is Noah Justin Kade and Sam
I am tempted to just say
Doo doo do do do do dee da
This sounds a little like a show tune
Same song different station
Ba da da dee dum ba da da dee dum
Here it comes
The next one
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo da
Doo doo ba dee da doo ba dee da
So many men with alphabetic initials
Hookups on little apps we keep in our phones
I got a penchant for the same
There is Noah Justin Kade and Sam
I am tempted to just say
Oooh oooh doo doo do do do
This sounds a little like a show tune
Same song different station
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo da
Doo doo ba dee da doo ba dee da
Scoo ba da bop bop
So many men with alphabetic initials
Apps and downloads we keep in our phones
I got a penchant for the same
There is Noah Justin Kade and Sam
I am tempted to just say
Oooh oooh doo doo do do do
This sounds a little like a show tune
Only stay and chat
Ba da da dee dum ba da da dee dum
Scoo ba da bop bop
Ba da da dee dum ba da da dee dum