Its an energy crisis
Mobile devices
Are taking the sweet
Times from our lives
Oh I cannot hide
And you cannot run
From the sweet lies
That lurk in your eyes
Oh Im going to hell
But you couldnt tell
Cuz I covered up well
My sins with a sweet tooth
Yeah prophecies prophecies
Well they're prophesied fallacies
I drool and I drool
The sweet nothings you make believe
Ah, Made to believe
An ignorant dream
But I've gotta be honest
Yeah I've gotta come clean
I've gotta come clean
Too much sugar
Dressed in a salt packet
But now you know
The hollowed out fact is
The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth
Yeah the tongue ever turns to the aching tooth
Ah Its Better to rule in hell
Than to serve
In heaven
Well I did my job well
I made the starting 11
So howd's it feel
To be
One of life's lemons
I'm sorry that you couldn't tell
That you
Were fooled
As well