Take a deep breath
Clear your thoughts
Let the air fill your body
While you just, breathe
As you begin to release what no longer serves you
Repeat after me
I AAM healing
I AAM unlearning toxic traits and thoughts
I AAM no longer carrying the weight of other people's burdens
I AAM choosing self-love over comfort and over settling
I AAM more than just a strong person and recognize the importance of being human
I AAM worthy of rest and relaxation
I AAM releasing control over people, places, and things
I AAM going at my own pace
I AAM okay with not having all the answers
I AAM prioritizing my mental and physical health
I AAM trusting the process
I AAM releasing having a victim mentality
I AAM letting go of my pride
I AAM forgiving myself
I AAM my own priority
I AAM releasing bad habits
I AAM working on pausing and breathing when I am feeling overwhelmed
I AAM not always okay, and that is okay
I AAM comfortable asking for help from others
I AAM needed, seen, and heard
I AAM worthy of intentional love
I AAM releasing bad energy and attracting good energy everywhere I go
I AAM choosing faith over fear
I AAM entering spaces that I am meant to occupy
I AAM stepping into a new version of myself
I AAM destined for greatness
I AAM creating space for all of me to exist
I AAM choosing happiness
I AAM doing the work, daily
I AAM and have always been, enough
Take a deep breath
Now welcome all the good the world has to offer you