Will tomorrow be better than today I don't know
But I'm gonna try to make it that way here I go
I need to feel happiness one way or another
So I'm gonna do what I gotta do no blunders
Please let me see what I need to see to be
Free from myself and my overthinking
Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and my mental
Anguish that I force on myself I should be gentle
Cuz I treat me so very badly I know it's sad but I'd gladly trade it for glee
Have to fight all the animosity I feel for myself turn it into sanctity
I live in insanity that's why I'm mad at me my life has been a tragedy
I need a strategy to see extraordinary improvement I have been a recluse when
I need to make movement
Will I get out of this rut that I'm in all the time
Only time will tell
Will I make better choices and make up my mind
Only time will tell
Will I be happy when I'm writing my rhymes
Only time will tell
Will I know what to do when it all just aligns
Only time will tell
And I know that it takes some patience but it's hard
I've been waiting for things to get better for a while
All I ever do is frown but I wish that I could smile
I can change I swear I can but I always live in denial
I'm sick of being sick and tired sick of always trying
Sick of fighting for my life trying to survive
Sick of being anxious sick of depression
I'm sick of stressing on everything I have no control over
Will I learn my lesson
Only time will tell will I be fine and well or live my life in hell
You know what I'm dying to feel
I want to be normal but there's something that is wrong
Something goin on that's a lot bigger than this song
But I can get over it there's no obstacle that can stop me
I am determined and strong It'll take a lot just to drop me
Sometimes I feel lost but I know that one day I will find me
But there's something inside that's always wanting to fight me
Will I get out of this rut that I'm in all the time
Only time will tell
Will I make better choices and make up my mind
Only time will tell
Will I be happy when I'm writing my rhymes
Only time will tell
Will I know what to do when it all just aligns
Only time will tell