Who would I be if I had who I needed?
Who would I be if I were who I needed?
Who would I be if I got who I wanted?
Who would I be if I were who I wanted?
Who should I be if I had been predestined? Who could I be if I had never sinned?
Who do all these doubts benefit?
Who do I want to never doubt me?
Who do all these questions answer?
Who do I want to be my answers?
What was all the strife and trouble for?
What if it all was needed to soar?
What if I had never succumbed?
What if I had stayed deaf and dumb?
What if there were no reason to question? What if the process turned out the whole mission?
When did it all begin to go right?
When did I realize it was in me to fight?
When did I stop to think and not freeze?
When did I see the forest was trees?
Where am I headed from here?
Where do I want to end up and here?