Makes sense you boneless as a beginner, than
Going straight for a sex change like Caitlyn Jenner
You may need to heal inward, than
Switch your body jar in the middle of your tenure
Too late, it's your birthday, we're gonna
Party like it's your first tre, pull a
Tic Tac, for your first date, don't
Wait for a coffin till your worst day
When you, give up the ghost like Casper
Hospital flips lead to casts of plaster
Darth-like dark slides of disaster
Sometimes feeling hot flashes like a fire cracker
Feeling feeble? go eat a salad
Stay off the roast beef and meatloaf ballads
Lay an egg plant for better balance, but
Too much melancholy can lead to callouses
Stay light as a feather flip
Slide like a bertlemann, smooth as a Tedder lip
That Superman might pique your pinterest
When you catch air as high as Mount Everest
Don't show your backside, check the method
Do it proper, hold it, for longer than a second
If there's no comply, don't get her naked, and
Never show off your stiffy, especially if she's frigid
From a daydream to a nightmare
Too many hurricanes may get her right there
But beware, if she likes prayer
Madonna's only gonna wanna bless some Christ air
Either him or Sean Penn
Don't shoot footage, unless you get a long lens
He'll Texas two-step on your chin, he's
Like a caveman, just waiting to hang ten