Cover over Known, Receive what's shown
Called away with spite, Designed as Right
So that we fear the things from which we're made
Deception is misguiding
Illusions Brighten, Kindred Slighted
Substance hiding, The veil is tightening
Yet questions asked are answering
Mind Mistaken, Lips leaking lies that show
Corrupted Core of bone
As Truth stands naked, and Risks reaping rights unsown
Deception's broken Throne
Carry over Tone, Need for what's shown
Calls from out of reach, Designed to seek
So that we shed the things from which we're made
Deception has misguided
Illusions Brighten, Instinct Slighted
Command hiding, The veil is tightening
Yet the questions asked are answering
Mind Mistaken, Lips leaking lies that show
Corrupted Core of bone
As Truth stands naked, and Risks reaping rights unsown
Deception's broken Throne
Idols Chosen
Intertwine concealed decent
Patterns Woven
Fabricate quiet consent
Illusions Brighten, Instinct Slighted
Substance hiding, The veil is tightening
Yet questions asked are answering
Mind Mistaken, Lips leaking lies that show
Corrupted Core of bone
As Truth stands naked, and Risks reaping rights unsown
Deception's broken Throne