Yeah, good evening Tim
State officials I spoke to earlier are anticipating the most unprecedented,
And fiercest snowstorm in Southern California history
The city of Los Angeles and surrounding counties have never experienced snow of this magnitude
For locals and emergency workers,
This may be some of the first snow they've ever seen in the Southland
This shit is crazy, bro
I ain't never seen a winter likе this
What the
Hey, what's up, neighbor
I'm all right, not doing much, just watching thе news about this crazy blizzard
Glad I hunkered down and got everything while I could.
Yo heater don't work
Oh my God yeah, yeah, you can stay here for, for a little bit
It definitely don't look safe to go outside yet, I'll tell you that much
You looking kind of fine in your lil' moo-moo's
Are those your pajamas
Ay, well uh, if you need a little "blizzard buddy" to ride the storm out with,
Let's watch a movie or something
I got plenty of blankets
Would you like that
We can make a little pillow fort