How'd this old folks home
Trap our soldiering bones?
We no longer march in time.
Do those battle-scarred years
Still ring in your ears
The way they do in mine?
Buckshot and whores
And the Indian Wars
To that world we did belong
Our flag pierced the earth
Anywhere we saw worth
They couldn't hold us at bay with their songs
Nights under the stars that could have been ours
We forged our legends slow.
Gone are the ways of those simpler days
No it's not like long ago
When you stole Hawaii and I stole Mexico
Men to command in
An unclaimed land
With reigns ever so free
I'd decorate you
For a battle or two
And then you you'd decorate me
Our enemies hung
While our praises were sung
By priests and presidents.
We brought reasons for why
There was blue in the sky
Brought the word to a world without sense
The beauty of order pouring over the border
That dance only soldiers know.
Gone are the ways of those simpler days
No it's not like long ago
When you stole Hawaii and I stole Mexico
Did doubt ever seek you out
In slumber or in slaughter?
Do you suppose indifference grows
With blood like thorns and water?
So my friend
Has it come to this?
Toothless on a porch.
Barely breath to feed the flame,
Barely strength to pass the torch
Now it's boardrooms and banks, free trade and tanks
That seem to run the show.
I guess that they'll do, I don't know about you
But it's not like long ago
When you stole Hawaii and I stole Mexico