17 years
Is not 17 enough?
17 years
I must admit I've had enough
In 17 years It will all be over for now
Until the dawning of a new life
Of a brand new life
In 17 years
My 18th birthday
I'll be 17 again someday soon
In 17 years I have done so very little
But I must admit
I'm so proud of who I am
In 17 years I've simply had enough
I said I've had enough
I've had enough
Now it's almost 18 years
Just a few more hours
Just a few more days
Until I can just go away
For in time I'll accept it'll all be over
I'm prepared
I've got my lips glued to my eyes
And in time I'll tie the noose
And stand up straight
And as I'm climbing up the step I'll think of words you used to say
And then I'll trip myself up
And as the sunlight fills my sight I'll think of you
All I'll be able to do is think of you
I'll think of you
17 years
Well, maybe 17's enough
I've had enough
I've had enough
And my soul is coming out
But it's not a part of me anymore
I hear you're going to Germany
17 years
Do you remember the pain?
The ache you said you felt yesterday?