Sing to me softly
Of things high and lofty
Of moments too good to be true
Sing to me quietly
Of faith and of piety
Of things only gods would dare do
Sing of futurity
Of all that is meant to be
For you for me and for us
Will they ignore us
Destroy or deplore us
As if the world weren't big enough to share?
Will they embrace us
Or look to erase us
As if we weren't even there?
They'll call us strangers and vagrants and name us wrongdoers
They'll call us dangerous peasants
Who came from the sewers
Rebels and villains scoundrels and Moors
No! We are none of those things
Sing to me brightly
Of hope that grows mighty
Of what you and I
Are here for-
Sing to me quietly
Of love in society
Where love demands peace
Never war
They'll call us strangers and vagrants and name us wrongdoers
They'll call us dangerous peasants
Who came from the sewers
Rebels and villains scoundrels and Moors
Yes! We are all of those things
Sing to me boldly
And then come and hold me
You have zero cause to be scared
They will embrace us
Not look to replace us
They know the world was made big enough to share
They know that you might
I hope that you will
Sing with me softly
Of things high and lofty
Of moments too good to be true
There are no moments
Too good to be true
Not when those moments
Are moments with you
Not when those moments
Are moments when you
Sing to me softly
And I sing softly to you