In the course of his travels
He came one day to the capital
There are two strange incidents
Worthy of mention
Tender blossoms are cut by the frost
Source of drenching grief
When seeming is taken for being
Being becomes seeming
Where nothing is taken for something
Something becomes nothing
Light and shadow change swiftly
His disappearance formed the subject
Of conversation for some time
He joined the wandering monks
Messengers again arrived
Lucky apricot
According to an ancient custom
They placed a whole lot of toys
Near the child on his first birthday
In order to ascertain his gifts
And his future aptitudes
Powder boxes, pupil
After mutual congratulations
The two friends parted
Each making for his own dwelling
Such an illustrious presence
After several days traveling
They arrived in the capital
He put on his best coat
And left through the silk gauze curtains Outright
A red sandalwood pedestal
The pillars and roof beams
Were richly carved
Covered verandas leading here and there Through overhanging splendor