Clock keeps tickin' late again
Boss mans patience wearing thin
Packed my things left with a sigh
Another job kissed goodbye
Hit the street wallet light
Knew the bar was my only sight
Stumbled in found my seat
Bartender pour that whiskey neat
Headin' to the bar to drown my sorrow
No need to think about tomorrow
Whiskey's burnin' but it's a friend
Drinkin' till this heartache ends
Bright moon light through the window glare
Empty pockets don't care don't dare
Rent's due soon but heart's in debt
Livin' the dream I ain't seen yet
Empty glass empty heart
Pick up pieces before I fall apart
Maybe someday I'll set things right
But for now I'll forget tonight
Headin' to the bar to drown my sorrow
No need to think about tomorrow
Whiskey's burnin' but it's a friend
Drinkin' till this heartache ends
Cold barstool my only friend
Down this bottle until the end
Lost my job lost my pride
In this bar I try to hide
Headin' to the bar to drown my sorrow
No need to think about tomorrow
Whiskey's burnin' but it's a friend
Drinkin' till this heartache ends