I Am the taste of pure water
I Am the radiance of the Sun and the Moon
I Am the sweetest fragrance in the earth and the flame in the fire
I am the life in every creature
And the striving of the spiritual soul
Yet I am afraid
Stuck in this illusion
I Am the taste of pure pleasure
Kissing the earth with the soles of my feet
I Am in the wind and I Am in the rain
I'm falling once again
I can't find home
Stuck in this illusion
Fear not. What is not real, never was and never will be.
What is real always was and can not be destroyed
Fear not. What is not real, never was and never will be.
What is real always was and can not be destroyed.
Transcend the Maya
Open your eyes.
Transcend the Maya
Open your eyes.
Transcend the Maya
Open your eyes.
Transcend the Maya
Break the illusion
Break the spell.
I Am the taste of pure bliss
As above so below.
Nothing tastes better than this
Feels so good inside.
But I'm dancing with the lie
Masquerading as the truth.
I wanna taste your love
What you seek's seeking you.
I wanna feel your touch
Feels so good inside
Activated by the Light
But still I am afraid
Fear not. What is not real, never was and never will be.
What is real always was and can not destroyed.
Fear not. What is not real, never was and never will be.
What is real always was and can not be destroyed.
Transcend the Maya
Open your eyes.
Transcend the Maya
Open your eyes.
Transcend the Maya
Open your eyes.
Transcend the Maya
Break the illusion
Break the spell
Your soul can not forget forever who you really are underneath your skin.
Your soul buried under the surface of the ego, illusion, the matrix, awaken!