Lord did you not write the very first page?
At the very beginning your hands in the clay?
Did you not carve the mountains and scatter the stars?
Did you not call it good: the light and the dark?
Lord did you not, write the song of my life?
Knit my soul to my body, put the light in my eyes?
Did you not feel my heartbeat, with a smile on your face?
Did you not call it good, this person you made?
Where can I go that my maker won't be?
You were there, you are here, and you always will be
Lord do you not give me all that I need?
The bread on my table, the water I drink?
Do you not share your treasures, more precious than gold?
Will I not call it good, when my cup overflows?
Where can I go that my maker won't be?
You were there, you are here, and you always will be
Always, Always, Always
Always, Always, Always
Lord did you not hold my hand in the night?
We sat in the silence and waited for light?
Have we not mourned together and planted these tears?
Will we not call it good, when the new life appears?
Lord in my living, Lord at my death
My comfort in this life, my hope in the next
Oh Lord at the close, will you not be the one
Turning the page, to your kingdom come?
Where can I go that my maker won't be?
You were there, you are here, and you always will be
Always, Always, Always
Yes you always will be
Always, Always, Always
Yes you always will be
Always, Always, Always
Yes you always will be