It didn't play out the way you planned
The hero fell, the laughs fell flat
All the good critics threw you on the pan
The groundlings demanded their pennies back
The suits in balconies left with a sneer
The orchestra knowingly played off-key
The producer took his cut, then up and disappeared
The chorus told us you wouldn't take responsibility
That's what happens when we write our own lines
That's what happens when we run our own lights
And you can beat your chest in fury
Shouting oaths into the sky, but
That's what happens in this unstaged life
You can spend your time rewriting
You can spend it blocking scenes
You can spend a lifetime parsing every word
And every movement
And what it might mean
But it never plays out the way you want
The hero always loses face
Everyone will leave the theatre disappointed
This whole production seems a waste
Leave a light
Leave a ghostlight on for me