Cream Land Hotel
All is fine and well
Dream time until
All is fine and well
As long as you don't call cops
Your body goes on
Dream time until
All is fine and well
Drippin' this girl on my piano
London cutie needs her laundry done
New York honey needs some dough
In Creamland Hotel
All is fine and well
As long as you have cold cups
Your body never stops
Guitar solo
Dealers comin' in and out
That's what it's all about
Creamland Botel
All is fine and well
Drippin' this cutie on my piano
Things are rollin' in and out
As long as you have cold cups
Your body never stops
Creamland Botel
Dream time until
Nobody ever does nothin
I'm the only one bringin' dough
Creamland Hotel
Dream time until
All is fine and well
All is fine and well
Guitar solo
Dream time until
Dream time until
Dream time until
Dream time until
Dream time until