Crows are the most intelligent bird
They can solve puzzles and have been observed
Using tools
These songbirds can be 20 years old
And when one dies they will gather and hold
A funeral
Crows carry grudges
And remember faces for many years
If they're treated badly
They will also share it with their peers
They're known to gang up on individuals
With whom they've had a
Negative experience
They care for their friends
When they have extra food they'll
Hide it in a cache for later consumption
They drop walnuts on the road
For cars to run over and crack them open
Crows kiss and make up
Some will attempt to apologise
By preening feathers
Their relationships tend to be for life
They will lay around three to nine eggs per clutch
Both parents help in
Building nests and raising chicks.
Their family is tight-knit