Kangaroos are of the family
Macropodidae which means big foot quite literally
They live in groups that are called mobs
Often with around 50 others
Inhabiting rocky outcrops
Tropical woodlands, open plains and deserts
Kangaroos are featured on the Australian
Coat of arms as a symbol of progression
As they're a forward moving only animal
Due to their muscly tail
They can stand over two metres tall
The largest marsupial they're very powerful
Thanks to their hind legs they can exceed
Speeds of 56 kilometres
An hour they can even leap
More than nine metres an expert manoeuvre
Researchers have found that they're primarily
Left handed as they will use this hand to eat
Groom and for precision their hands are specialised
For strength they will use their right
Kangaroos have a self cooling system
They'll lick their arms and moist saliva cools blood vessels beneath the skin
Females give birth once a year to a grape sized joey
That must climb through thick fur to the pouch for safety
The joey will live in the marsupium
For the next several months
Feeding on milk that is pumped
By their mum to develop