Whales are thought to be graceful
Mysterious and beautiful
Known for their kinship and their calm nature
They nurture one another
Every member of a pod will
Care for the young and teach life skills
Mothers form close bonds with their offspring
Maternal care is long lasting
Blue whales are the largest animal
To have ever existed at all
They can weigh more than 200 tons
And stretch 100 feet long
Their heart's bigger than any other
And pumps more than 5000 litres
Of blood around their bodies while
The heartbeat can be heard for miles
Evolved from ungulate ancestors
Over 40 million years ago
Which migrated from land to water
In doing so they became the marine mammals that we now know
Whales have the longest migration
With each species having different routines
Though often the grounds they give birth to young
Are separate from where they spend most of the year in order to feed
The largest brain on Earth belongs to the sperm whale
Which weighs almost 20 pounds and has changed very little
From 55 million years ago
Some whales have multiple stomachs allowing them to go days
Without eating baleen plates are unique for each species which
Filter prey from seawater as it flows
Male humpbacks are the greatest singers
Their songs can last for 30 minutes
Which they repeat for many hours
As breeding season will progress they change their songs quite a bit
Their range spans over seven octaves
That can be heard for miles underwater
Whilst blue whales can sing the lowest
Scientists have found each year that their voices are getting deeper