There was a girl born into the world just like any other girl
She was born somewhere foreign, but then changed location
The mark on the right arm can prove that statement
She was young with a big sis and a big bro
And during that time her dad was her hero
Then all that changed when she saw the real him
She believed that was a part he had hid within
Witnessed her mother hurt and abused
The little girl was five, I mean what else could she do?
She said, Mom, don't cry
Her mom said, It's fine, just dust in my eye
Later that night her father took her away
The little girl was clueless
She thought everything was okay
She didn't see her mom for months
Little did she know that when she got back that everything would
She said, Hey mom, what's this?
Her mom said, We're just going for a ride
Mom was escaping that life
Crazy the little girl and her mother didn't have a place, but at least they were safe
You can call it homeless, but they're in God's hands
They weren't homeless for long because their aunt gave them a chance
Cheers to new beginnings
Cheers to a helping hand
The little girl started to grow up
She went to school
She even went to church for the first time
She learned about Jesus
Apparently her Lord and Savior
Apparently her Heavenly Father
I mean she didn't have an earthly father, so what was a Heavenly one to her?
I mean the little girl did still believe, but she didn't know the real meaning
The little girl got older
Learned so much about the world
She was an honorable student
She got A's just to put a smile on her mom's face
That season was great
Her mom even got her first apartment
It was a new chapter started
Much didn't change though
She still went to church
She still got good grades
Although, I didn't mention how she loved the world
Society taught her to have fun
Live like it's the last day
Make friends
You can even curse, it's okay
No, Throw a party
It's okay, as long as your hard working mom doesn't find out
She asked, Mom, can I get a phone?
Her mom said, No, you're too young
She said, I'm in my double digits, all my friends have one
No is no
The girl didn't get a phone, but she got a tablet
Now she had access to the world wide web
Wonder what she could tape in?
KIK, communication with friends
Instagram, communication with strangers
Notes, communication with herself
One was hidden from everything else
Porn, communication with satan himself
She talked to her friends and family in the day
Then at night she talked to the devil since nobody was awake
Nobody is gonna know, it's just me and you
I mean she managed her time
Everything was fine
She didn't hurt anyone else, so it wasn't a crime
But the damage was already done
Just on the inside
Crazy at the age of 12 she mastered her mask
She knew when to put it on, take it off and when to use it for each task
I forgot to mention, she has a phone now
So all the communication is at her reach
In a smaller screen though
In the back of her pocket jeans
Well now she's 13, what society considers a teen
Wow, you're allowed to watch PG-13!
But, she's already seen R-rated movies
Yes, with nudity, but let's just say action scenes
I mean everyone else was doing it, so what difference with mw
Man life was great for her
She was happy
She was the oldest sibling now, so I guess that wasn't a bad thing
Well now it was time for the high school experience
Can't wait to find out what that means
Don't forget mom says to get good grades and go to school to pursue your dreams
Cool, no problem
She'll do that while pursuing her fleshly desires
Second week of high school she learned a new word
Case, meaning getting into entanglement with someone that is 18
I mean she said, That couldn't be me
But all the varsity players were just so dreamy-
Anyways stay on task
Stay focused
On this one kid
Maybe he's God sent?
Welp, we'll only know when she drops her guard and lets him in
Now a piece of her is gone, but filled with him
Now let's talk about her home situation
She has a little sis now
And being the oldest means babysit
Nobody was ever home, so babysit meant night shift
It's cool, she finished her homework her right before then
At least she could talk to her friends during the night shift
I mean
It's not like she had anyone else to talk to, or maybe worship
Her life started getting complicated though
She already lost a family member, but she felt like she was losing her soul
No one to turn to
No one to show
It's okay
She put on her mask and goes
Goes to church and now she's in a youth group
Goes to school and now she's in a friend group
Goes back home and now she feels empty
That girl
That girl was Anndi
I was lost for so long
Broken on the inside
An awful friend
An awful daughter
A horrible sister
They told me to pray, like I had a clue
Have faith!
In who?
Trust in God!
Well maybe that works for you
Why is my family so broken?
Why can't God fix my broken family?
Why can't God fix me?
Why do I feel six feet deep?
Why can't I be free?
God where's my relief?
It wasn't until 2019 when I fell at Christ's feet and asked Him to set me free
But, it seemed like every time I took a step to Christ, satan was still pulling on me
I mean I can't blame him
I was still in between the world and God
But I had to choose between the world or my eternity
It wasn't until I turned 16 when I started following God completely
I learned that I served a God of Peace
Even in the midst of my storms I could be calm because I knew He was with me
I couldn't be more proud that the old Anndi died on March 4th of 2020
I don't deserve this, but by God's grace and mercy I'm in front of you guys sharing my testimony
Little did I know that God would use me to fix my broken family
Little did I know that I would be a part of my friend's testimonies
Little did I know that God would use me to preach
I was so in love with the world and sin, but Christ set me free
I'm a new creation
I'm a new Anndi
And if Christ did it for me
Then I know He can set you free
Accept Christ into your life wholeheartedly
And He will change you completely
Cause without Him, I don't know where I would be