So when we say things like His glorious presence
Aren't we talking about how heavy His presence feels in that moment?
I also loved how the Hebrew word Kavod was used in reference to armor used in battle
Now I'm going to use weight and glory interchangeably so listen carefully
Because I believe I'm going from glory to glory
And in every battle I'm wearing the weight of God because His presence goes before me
Now I had to do some weight training to be in this battle field and it wasn't easy
When people look at my life they say Glory
Not even knowing they're speaking prophetically
Every time they say glory it seems like weight is added to me
So when people look at my life they say Glory
Not even knowing they're speaking prophetically
Every time they say glory it seems like weight is added to me
Now all of a sudden there's a new battle with armor I have to carry
Instead of taking off equipment more is being added to me
God I thought I was favored
Why is pain the title of my story?
God what are you trying to tell me?
Are you saying pain makes me holy?
Are you saying pain sets me apart from the majority?
Is pain a way for me to testify of your Glory?
Without the test there's no testimony
Without the pressure there's no anointing
Without the fire there's no purity
Cause without pain how can I understand what it's like to be heavy?
So when you want to go from Glory to Glory you're asking God to increase the weight
That's not a bad thing
I just want you to understand what you're asking
If anything may the church go from Glory to Glory
May the oil that overflows from the head reach the body
God anoint my hands so I can reach everyone connected to me
God give us strength to endure the weight when we reach a new realm of Glory
Cause even if It's bigger than you
God is bigger than it
We don't stand alone
We stand in partnership with Him
We don't stand alone
We stand in partnership with Him
The God of Glory
El Hakavod
The God of Glory
El Hakavod
The God of Glory
We don't stand alone
We stand in partnership with Him
So when we go from glory to glory
We're asking God to increase the weight
So when I go from glory to glory
I'm going from weight to weight
But it builds my faith
I wasn't called to carry the weight of the world
He did that on calvary
We carry the weight meaning His glory
There's a difference between carrying the weight of the world and the weight of His glory
One is prideful and the other is Holy
I know I can't carry these burdens alone that's why He says come to me those who are weary
El Hakavod
The God of Glory
So when we give God glory we give Him something that has weight
Something that is sacrificial that we had to pay
Not in finances but in a spiritual state
There's weight in your worship
There's weight in your praise
When you pray and fast trust that God sees it
God sees the weight and He honors it
Even when He says wait He's working on it
God is in the past present and future all while He's speaking it
You think we serve a God who isn't gonna fulfill his promise?
He is not a man that he should lie
Not a man that He should change his mind
El Hakavod
THE GOD of Glory