He says you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart
This generation is searching and seeking
We're all looking for true fulfillment
We're all looking for real satisfaction
The danger is we're looking in the wrong places
Putting our hope in men instead of what the word says
All the world talks about is drugs, pornography, and premarital sex
Yet God is calling us to holiness and righteousness
What's heartbreaking is many of us grew up in Christian homes where the word was said
Yet outside of those walls it was never lived
Now you have a generation questioning who this Jesus is
So many people using scripture but still living in sin
Claiming to be Christian but causing confusion
Speaking on platforms about God's plan, but it's really their opinion
Where's the discernment?
Where's the conviction?
Every day someone is leaving the faith because of misrepresentation
How can we claim to be one body when there's so much division?
How can we claim to serve the same God and be arguing?
Parents if you love your children then why are they suffering?
You should be their safe space but when they're home they feel like it's a dungeon
Don't push away your children
They are the next generation
God wants to use them to execute his vision
We need to share each other's burdens
We need to be understanding
We need to be loving
You can't have revival without true repentance
You cannot have revival without true repentance
So can I tell you about my Jesus?
Can I tell you about the one who saved us?
Can I testify about our savior?
I've seen his face and it's left me speechless
I've felt his presence and it's magnificent
I've had a true encounter with him and never been the same
You can't tell me you've encountered Jesus and never changed
Even when I wrestled with God I couldn't walk the same
This Jesus I served has kept my mind sane in the midst of pain
I could have easily thrown the towel but he kept calling my name
When suicide felt like an easy way out he gave me a reason to stay
He's a God who comforts you in heartbreak
When it comes to Jesus there is no shame
Trust me I messed up so many times but he gives me grace
This Jesus I served has changed my name
My identity is no longer in what they say
He's a God who can silence lies with truth
Every time I get in my secret place I feel brand new
He's performed signs and wonders that I cannot explain
I've tasted and seen his goodness every day
Seek him for yourself
Don't just rely on what people say
He says you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart
To die for Christ is gain
Living for Jesus is the best decision you will ever make