It was our weaknesses He carried
It was our sorrows that weighed Him down
And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God
A punishment for His own sins
But He was pierced for our rebellion
Crushed for our sins
He was beaten so we could be whole
He was whipped so we could be healed
Yet we don't see sin as a price He paid
We see it as something that feels good
Something that meets our temporary satisfactions, even if it is cruel
So what? Jesus paid for it
Doesn't that make us excused?
Can't we go on sinning since he paid our dues?
What a lack of reverence you have for the one who shed His blood for you
You have to understand what happened on the cross
He took the place that should have been ours
With our wicked hearts, we never gave him a reason to take our scars
Yet He took it upon himself to heal our hearts
He took every whip and lash that tore His skin apart
He took every whip and lash that tore His skin apart
We put him on the cross
The death penalty should have been ours
Greed, lust, malice adultery, hatred, and slander, and the list goes on and on
He was the atonement for our sins
He was the perfect lamb sacrifice
No blemish, no record, yet penalized for every crime
With our tears we cried, "Hosanna"
But with our actions, we yelled crucify
What testimony is your life giving?
The disciples walked with Jesus and still couldn't make up their minds
A double-minded man is unstable in all they do
Jesus had one goal, to fulfill the Father's will and die for you
He canceled the debt and tore the veil
There's no longer a process to the presence
Now we have 24/7 access
Yet some of us don't make time because of our busyness
See, all of that is just an excuse
Jesus had all the reasons to not get on the cross, but He thought about you
He saw His sons and..
He saw His sons and daughters and the generations coming after you
The nails didn't keep Him on the cross
It was His love for you
He cried, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
So we wouldn't have to
If it wasn't for His blood
We would not be here
And if it wasn't for His love
We would not be healed
It was the blood of Jesus that sealed the deal
We're justified and declared righteous
Not by our works, but what Jesus did