They tried to break me but I wasn't broken
I was forged
Ashes to ashes but I rose from the dirt
Phoenix in flames but it didn't hurt
Every fire they lit I burned brighter
Fuel for the soul turned pain into power
Hammered by life beat by the heat
Tempered in struggle refused defeat
Every hit every scar every bruise
Shaped the steel I can't lose
They said I'd crack they said I'd fall
But every scar's a badge I wear 'em all
The weight of my past tried to pull me down
Now I wear it like a king wears a crown
Through the flames I found my name
Anval forged by fire rising from pain
They tried to break me but I grew strong
I wasn't shattered I was forged all along
An anvil takes hits but it don't break
It shapes the steel that's what it takes
That's why I'm Anval I take life's blows
Hammer it down that's how it goes
From molten pain to sharpened steel
Every scar and loss made me real
The past was fire the future's gold
I stand unbreakable stories told
This name's not words it's a creed
Proof of every fight every need
Stronger than fear louder than doubt
Flipped every whisper and screamed it out
I'm not just standing I'm built to stay
The fire didn't burn me it paved my way
Every setback fed my fire
Every doubt took me higher
I am Anval shaped by flame
Forged in fire that's my name
I remember the nights I wanted to quit
When life hit hard too heavy to lift
But every tear was heat in the forge
Now I stand here can't be ignored
To my Mom my Dad Stasia Bella Sarah Johnny
You were the light when the world felt dark
Now I hold the hammer I control the flame
Life's my forge and Anval's my name
Craftin' destiny bar by bar
Turned pain to strength wearin' every scar
This mic's my anvil these words are steel
Forgin' truth makin' 'em feel
From life's fire I came out strong
Anval the artist I belong
This ain't just music it's blood in these bars
Echoes of battles healing from scars
Every lyric proves you can rebuild
Even in ashes dreams get fulfilled
Through the flames I found my name
Anval forged by fire rising from pain
They tried to break me but I grew strong
I wasn't shattered I was forged all along
No chains can hold me no flames consume
I turned every loss into strength that blooms
I am Anval
Forged in fire