Good morning Heavenly Father and thank you for another day
I pray and am blessed for another chance to change my way
So I am now crying out for you to fill me spiritually full
To fill my cup with Grace and to rescue this tormented soul
I was of this world from the beginning just to survive
Now placing my trust and faith in You now I am alive
Where is my path Lord HELP me I still can not see
Or am I still inpatient now that you broke the chains and set me free
I know I have sinned long and now you have made me new
But am I Truly Yours? I feel never good enough for you
Please Lord Jesus answer me I am anxious and so depressed
I repented all my sins and all transgressions I have confessed
Where are you Jesus please answer I can't wait any longer
Or is it that my faith needs to be just a little bit stronger
Okay Jesus I understand now I will patiently wait
For I know now your timing is perfect NEVER EARLY and NEVER LATE
My good and faithful servant I have always been here
Through your trials tribulations anxiety and fear
I was always waiting right next to you I will NEVER be far
For I am your Heavenly Father and I Love You RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE