An aching in my heart as I awake
I turn to reach for you, but realize too late
That you're no longer a companion in my bed
You're just a haunting memory inside my head
And I've never in my life missed anyone so much
The smell of you, the taste of you, the sight, the sound, the touch
I miss you
And I've never in my life felt so cold and numb
You don't realize how much someone means to you till they're gone
I miss you
Buying food for two, picking up razor blades
Whilst I'm in the supermarket, I realize too late
That you're no longer a part of my home
When I go to bed tonight, I go alone
And I've never in my life missed anyone so much
The smell of you, the taste of you, the sight, the sound, the touch
I miss you
And I've never in my life felt so cold and numb
You don't realize how much someone means to you till they're gone
I miss you
I watch our life together flashing by
And painfully relive the moment our love died
When its heartbeat stopped then so did mine
And I've been the living dead ever since that time
I watch our life together flashing by
And painfully relive the moment our love died
When its heartbeat stopped then so did mine
And I've been the living dead ever since that time
And I've never in my life missed anyone so much
The smell of you, the taste of you, the sight, the sound, the touch
I miss you
And I've never in my life felt so cold and numb
You don't realize how much someone means to you till they're gone
I miss you
I miss you