This doesn't feel like my city anymore
So desperate, dirty and grey
The people don't smile anymore
Just trying to make it through each day
The pavements are cracked and the buildings look sad
And I don't feel safe or secure
And it just doesn't feel like my city anymore
This doesn't feel like my home anymore
Too much darkness in the air
I don't feel like I belong
I used to love living here
There are souls on the streets
With nothing to eat
And the crime is beginning to soar
And it just doesn't feel like my city anymore
Heads down, shoulders slumped
Trying not to make eye contact
The mood is low for everyone
Stay in line and don't react
Aggression simmers, tempers fray
When you can't keep the bills and the hunger at bay
I just want to feel safe and I want to be happy
But I don't recognise this city anymore
This doesn't feel like my city anymore
Everyone's so scared and lonely
So tired they can't fight anymore
Spirits crushed by the weight of the misery
We've lost our tribes
Just existing to survive
And any spark of joy is gone
And it just doesn't feel like my city anymore
And I've heard it been said
That the fish always rots from the head