We kindle fires in iron hearts,
Amid crashing steel our toil imparts.
With spade and hammer we glean our way,
From dust to dawn, we build today.
Work doth beckon, forging fast,
We conquer time 'til all is cast.
Spark by spark, the world we mold,
Our blazing will shall ne'er grow cold.
Rivet by rivet, beam by beam,
We raise our walls through midnight's gleam.
From the gloom we carve the day,
With iron tongues, we seize our way.
Oh, witness might in restless night,
When all is shaped, the forge burns bright.
Work doth beckon, forging fast,
We conquer time 'til all is cast.
Spark by spark, the world we mold,
Our blazing will shall ne'er grow cold.
In metal's roar our fate is spun,
And thus in labor, dawn is won.