Harsh frost upon my weary soul
Winter's grip refuseth to let go.
My breath in shards of icy air
Yet forward I march with valiant dare.
Though I am frozen to the bone
No chill can claim my spirit alone.
I wander on for warmer rays
Hope's fire guiding me through days.
Night's cold whisper mocks my stride
Still I yearn for dawn's fair side.
Each trembling step defies the gale
Faith in sun that shall not fail.
Though I am frozen to the bone
No chill can claim my spirit alone.
I wander on for warmer rays
Hope's fire guiding me through days.
In frigid dark I brace the storm
For tomorrow's light I keep me warm.
Though I am frozen to the bone
No chill can claim my spirit alone.
I wander on for warmer rays
Hope's fire guiding me through days.
In frigid dark I brace the storm
For tomorrow's light I keep me warm.