My eyes upon the tomes of lore,
I wander deep in silent halls.
The midnight oil I burn once more,
Oblivious to all that calls.
In solitude, I stitch the truth,
My pulse resonates with hidden code,
For in this quest, I find my youth-
A realm of knowledge I alone behold.
Doth thou not see the fervent gleam
That dances 'cross my weary eyes?
Immersed in thought, I chase the dream,
And hush the worldly, hollow cries.
I stand a lonely sentinel
Amid the hush of data's spell.
The glow of screens and dusty scrolls
Envelop me in tranquil haze.
No voice but mine in secret shoals,
A quiet storm of wondrous craze.
I dwell apart, unbound by time,
The spinning worlds outside may fade-
Within my mind, an endless climb,
By knowledge fueled and unafraid.
O hush, ye clamorous crowds,
For in this solitude I thrive.
A single spark in mental clouds
Draws forth my soul, supremely alive.
Doth thou not see the fervent gleam
That dances 'cross my weary eyes?
Immersed in thought, I chase the dream,
And hush the worldly, hollow cries.
I stand a lonely sentinel
Amid the hush of data's spell.
Thus forging truths in silent night,
I carve my path of hidden might.
Though far from mortal fellowship,
My soul ascends in knowledge's grip.
I isolate in blessed trance-
Where wisdom stands, I take my stance.