Lo the morn doth break with thunder's roar
Blades awakened by the ravens' call
In crimson fields we stand once more
Bound for Valhalla 'neath Odin's thrall
We cry to the skies our wrath unchained
Fate doth summon us to war again
In glory's flame our spirits alight
Valhalla awaits at the end of the fight
Hark the clang of steel in twilight's gloom
A thousand spears do carve our path
The gods watch close in their heavenly tomb
As we forge legends from mortal wrath
We cry to the skies our wrath unchained
Fate doth summon us to war again
In glory's flame our spirits alight
Valhalla awaits at the end of the fight
Hear the horns that echo through the wind
A clarion call 'gainst the gates of fear
Blood upon the stones our souls unpinned
Where death becomes the crown we wear
We march through doom yet conquer time
Our names etched deep in sagas bold
Valhalla's throne shall we claim as sign
That we undying break death's hold