Jikan no yugami no naka de kanojo ga tatsu
Onaji koe de betsu no unmei o kataru
I trace the loops, each one untied
A reflection where the worlds collide
Kako to mirai no kōsaten
The path she took, the price she paid
Can I hold what's left to save?
Hoka no watashi, kieta kiseki
Sekai ga kuzureru, sono riyū wa
Threads of time slipping away
What's her truth, and will I stay?
Tokei no hari ga gyaku ni ugoku
Hōkai shita shunkan ga kurikaesareru
Her timeline folds, a fragile seam
Was her sacrifice more than a dream?
Moshi watashi ga kanojo nara
Unmei ga nejireru tabi ni inochi ga kieru
Subete no michi ga koko ni tsunagaru
Hoka no watashi, kuzureta sekai
Mirai no owari, sono gen'in wa
Her voice fades, but mine remains
I'll take the thread, I'll bear the chains
Watashi no me ni kanojo ga utsuru
Kanojo no mirai o seotte susumu
Jikan ga saketemo, owaranai