Waiting for the sunrise
And the light to change your eyes
The bells won't ring they'll sing
Across this Spanish skyline
When the light hits that sky
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me
You make me feel alive
Sitting on a bench in a rose garden
Feeling what's there and oh what's hard and
Hiding kisses from children passing
And how long will this last
It's a fire storm
You're a fire storm
I don't think I've ever met anyone
Like you before
Let's dance
Let's dance
Let's dance til' the sunrise
Let's dance til' the sunrise
Hits our eyes
Hits our eyes
Hits our eyes
Let's dance til' the sunrise
Dance dance dance dance
Uno dos tres gimme your cigarettes
Down in a bunker trusting blindly
If only you could see what I see
The gleam of youth that some never lose
Where's this going
What's in store
I don't know
But I've never met anyone like you before
Let's dance
Let's dance
Let's dance til' the sunrise
Let's dance til' the sunrise
Hits our eyes
Hits our eyes
Let's dance
Let's dance
Let's dance
Let's dance
Let's dance
The blue the black the deep blue sea
That's what you are
When you look at me
You're soft and tender
And oh so sweet
And all you are
And all you feel
Is beautiful and deeply real
You're beautiful and deeply real
Waiting for the sunrise
And the light to change your eyes
The bells won't ring they'll sing
Across this Spanish skyline
When the light hits that sky
Kiss me kiss me kiss me
You make me feel alive