Goldmember opens with a self-parody of the Austin Powers film series called Austinpussy, where Austin Powers is featured in a bio-pic parody of the James Bond film Octopussy. The self-parody is directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Tom Cruise as Austin Powers, Gwyneth Paltrow as Dixie Normous, Kevin Spacey as Dr. Evil, Danny DeVito as Mini-Me, and John Travolta as Goldmember.
The film was distributed by New Line Cinema and released in the United States on July 22, 2002. Goldmember finished its box office run with an international haul of $296.6 million and received positive critical reception. It was the seventh-highest-grossing film of the year domestically in the United States. A fourth film in the series has been considered since Goldmember's release, but has yet to enter production as of 2024.