I broke free from heavy chains that held me down from everything
A slave to mediocrity
In the dark and out of reach
Slipping from my bloody hands a thousand sins etched in the skin
Out of reach and lost again
Ghosts in the wind
Ravages of our fathers war
Like their own fathers before
Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes
In the front lined up to die
Sacrifice for greed and lies
Scattered ashes from the dead
Savage war cry in my head
Waking from eternal dream
Vengeance burning like a flame
Warrior inside my brain Rising up lighting the night
The phoenix takes flight to the sky
Siting wasting time inside
I find I found I realize
My time be still the window pane
Like droplets running from the rain
Tears brought back for me to see
Filling puddles up of misery
I close my eyes so I can't see
My father's reflection looking back at me
Traditions weight is on my back
Rebellion rises to attack
In the wake of our father's lies
Seeing red through war torn eyes
Shatter chains of legacy From these shackles breaking free
Automatic cycles of aggression passed down to each generation Carrying the burden of the cross
Left to replace all that was lost
A stranger to myself I've always been
Hammer and sword shaped who I am
A warrior's cloak weighs on my skin
Small price to pay for our fathers sins
Forged in the fire of expectations
I'll never be tamed never complacent
A soldier in this endless fight
This battle that wages in my mind
Burn it down light up the night
The phoenix takes flight to the sky
Siting wasting time inside
I find I found I realize
My time be still the window pane
Like droplets running from the rain
Tears brought back for me to see
Filling puddles up of misery
I close my eyes so I can't see
My father's reflection looking back at me