If heavens up there hell is right here
Were living in the hell that we created ourselves
We created our own hell We are nothing now
We're just dreams floating away from this place
One with the nothingness
One without a face
A scattered signal floating in the darkness
A space in between this place and a dream
Withering away from the vein rotting falling from the tree
Living with our eyes closed dreaming the same dream
Knowing all along that we are wrong but refusing to acknowledge That our hearts no longer beating
No longer beating
Try to ignore the call of the void
Back into the darkness
Back to the beginning
We find ourselves again
We find our breath gasping for air
We find our voice again screaming
Trying to reach the surface through the void
And the darkness from our new mothers womb
Our new mothers womb yeah
Our fates unwind in the void
We gasp and clutch at our breath again
Through shadows thick our voices tear
Desperate echos silent prayer
The voids embrace it's a cold thief
One with the nothingness
One without a face
A scattered signal floating in the darkness
A space in between this place and a dream
Withering away from the vein rotting falling from the tree
Living with our eyes closed dreaming the same dream
Knowing all along that we are wrong but refusing to acknowledge That our hearts no longer beating
No longer beating
Refusing to acknowledge
That are hearts no longer beating anymore
And we're trying to ignore
The call of the void
The call of the void
The call of the void
Back to the darkness
Back to the darkness
Wo oh yeah
Back into the void
Reborn in pain again were thrown
From dusks embrace to the hill of dawn
Eternal sorrow sins of spawn
Breaking bonds that tightly bind
Seeking light leaving night behind
Gasping grasping for the air
Screaming from the dark's despair
Voice unleashed a piercing call
Rising fears to break the fall
In the void were shadows loom
Breath reclaimed in the new mothers womb