Time won't stop for you little boy
When will you lift your head, up!
You can't go back, this I know
It hurts me so to sing it to you
Quit playing with your life
You can't go back
You not sick but you still throw up
Youre an adult still you won't grow up
Times out kid, it's time to grow you will never
One, Two, Three, Go!
18 years you knew what was coming
None of those years they thought you were funny
You try too hard to never fit in
Find you clique and hope you win
They hate you they aint hurted me
I watch from behind and shadow between
Its half sad time when you come through
It's a half sad time and turns you blue
Get a job it's time to make money
You really get to see how lives get runny
This aint school kid you got bills to pay
Stuck in a game we all gotta play
Youre all big and grown up now
It's time to figure it all out
But you don't know where to begin
How will you survive now
How will you even make it out
Boy you want it to end
Now you know it hurts them so
Going places, you shouldn't be
Seeing the things you shouldn't see
What have you done with your life
First with them now ruin it twice
You know you don't care, and what it feels like
You hope you don't make it out tonight
You hope you don't make it with your friends
You hope you don't make it til the end
You hope for the worst, and hope that it fast
You're so selfish that you gotta ask
You're all big and grown up now
It's time to figure it all out
But you don't know where to begin
How will you survive now
How will you even make it out
Boy you want it to end