In countless comments posted every single day
Eighty percent throw hate ten percent betray
One wrong word and you're the next target in sight
A cruel game of shadows hidden out of light
Five thousand hate posts flood the web each day
A third remain no one clears the fray
The sea of connection has turned into a fight
A battleground where no one's ever right
Respect erased replaced by disdain
Empathy's lost only numbers remain
Views and likes are the ones that thrive
Algorithms rule while humanity dives
On a young girl's video cruel looks get their say
Politics ignite wars in comment melee
Seven seconds to rage one click to block
This culture moves fast no time for shock
False truths spread six times faster than fact
The real ones vanish left ridiculed attacked
Respect online has been long overthrown
Because we've forgotten faces of our own
Respect is gone anger prevails
We treat each other like enemies in tales
Under share the venom flows
Lost in the noise the distance only grows
In 2024 forty percent confess
They've been hurt online living in distress
One in four vows to never write again
Freedom rises but responsibility wanes
Respect is buried noise fills the void
In this battlefield no one feels employed
Together in space yet farther apart
We're losing connection heart by heart
Behind the mask of anonymity lie scars
But change can start even in the stars
A little respect a kind little spark
Can bring the light back to this world so dark