Searching for lost
Searching for lost
Searching for lost civilisations
Thinking Orion
Thinking Orion
Thinking Orion correlation
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wouldn't it be fun?
To scan beneath the sand
To scan beneath the sand
Where the other stars fall
Where the other stars fall
In that constellation?
In that constellation?
Collaboration communication
Conversation equation
Collaboration communication
Conversation equation
Get that man a LiDAR scan
Get that man a LiDAR scan
Searching for lost
Searching for lost civilisations
Searching for lost civilisations
Civilisations civilisations
Civilisations civilisations
If you think we're intrinsically linked
If you think we're intrinsically linked
If you think we're intrinsically linked
If you think we're intrinsically linked
Civilisations civilisations civilisations civilisations
Civilisations civilisations civilisations civilisations