Defend me Yahavah, with those who seek to destroy me
Fight against those who fight against me
Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid
Brandish sword and arrow against those who pursue me
Say to me, I am your salvation
May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame
May those who plot my ruin be turned back in dismay
May they be like ash before the wind
With the Mal'akh of Aravat driving them away
May their path be dark and slippery
With the Mal'akh of Aravat pursuing them
Mal'akh of Aravat arise send forth Karma your messenger of retribution
Yahavah in your faithfulness destroy those who plot against me
YaHaVaH you have seen this do not be silent
Do not be far from me YaHaVaH awake and rise to my defense
When I stumbled, they gathered in glee
Assailants gathered against me without my knowledge
They slandered me without ceasing
Like the unholy they maliciously mocked
They gnashed their teeth against me
How long, YaHaVaH will you look on? do not let them gloat over me
I will give you thanks in the great assembly
Among the throngs I will praise you
Do not let the unrighteous gloat over me who are my enemies without cause