Had to make this document about Captain Dough
He was the greatest captain in the whole world
With Lieutenant Reese and Migi by his side
He tries his best to make an effort to make things right
And he's sailing through the galaxy on his spaceship
Trying to save everybody making sure they will make it
Don't question his authority he won't take it
Can't pretend he never was here It's just his legacy won't fake it
It was April 22nd, 3025
Captain Dough just got a mission now we had to ride
Lieutenant Reese Rash got into a f*cking fight
Captain Dough going lightspeed trying to save his life
Got to the place couldn't find Reese anywhere
Blood puddles all on the floor he ain't show no fear
Now he knows that Reese Rash is getting scared
All of a sudden a man came in a galactic chair
Began to question him, asking him for his name
He didn't respond Captain Dough thought he was playing games
He grabbed his blaster and pointed straight to his face
Pulled the trigger he realized it was a mistake
Authorities began to arrive right after his death
A thousand lasers pointed straight at Captain Dough's chest
Had to figure out what he was gonna do next
That's when the leader began to tell him
Sir that guy was deaf
Had to make this document about Captain Dough
He was the greatest captain in the whole world
With Lieutenant Reese and Migi by his side
He tries his best to make an effort to make things right
After that he was in a cell for a while
They handcuffed him took him to his trial
Everybody watching beginning to smile
Saw Lieutenant Reese across from him in the aisle
The leader asked for the skinny blonde one for a sentence
Reese's face got red see the fear in it
Went to ask him for the reasons he did it
Went to kill him but something happened before he finished
A fleet of spaceships began to arrive
It was Captain Dough's army coming at the right time
Lieutenant Reese grabbed a spear and stabbed the leader in the side
Went to Captain Dough had to make sure he's alright
Blood leaking out of Captain Dough there was plenty
Must have got shot in the middle of the frenzy
Got him to the ship with the help of Sergeant Migi
Had to get Captain Dough off of planet Terry
Had to make this document about Captain Dough
He was the greatest captain in the whole world
With Lieutenant Reese and Migi by his side
He tries his best to make an effort to make things right
And he's sailing through the galaxy on his spaceship
Trying to save everybody making sure they will make it
Don't question his authority he won't take it
Can't pretend he never was here It's just his legacy won't fake it