Today I thought about you Yvonne Payne
Staring through the bus window being lashed by rain
I thought about those eyes and that smooth white face
You were the first time I ever lost in love Yvonne Payne
The first one to make it feel so tough Yvonne Payne
She fancied me from afar but couldn't bring herself to say
What beat in her heart might just have scared me away
By the time I knew I fancied her in anothers arms she lay
I cried for you infront of you Yvonne Payne
I cried for you infront of you Yvonne Payne
She was Bowie and I was Weller gods by name
She fell for another Bowie fan he was mine to blame
I think of her as I gaze at the stars
She danced in school and she danced to Life on Mars
Today I thought about you Yvonne Payne
Your mum said you were out you were in you just hid away
Time just split our paths and we moved on different planes
You can find me if you look inside Yvonne Payne
You can find me if you look inside Yvonne Payne