In the vortex of historical equations
Where the specter of labor oscillates
Class struggle's entropy converges
Into the calculus of the worker's fate
Hegelian vectors, infinite divergence
Manifesto in the matrix of despair
Surplus value's asymptotic convergence
Exploits the proletariat's collective air
Oh, the Fourier transform of revolution
In the manifold of dialectic space
Comrades, let us normalize the solution
To the eigenvalue of the human race
From base to superstructure's paradigm shift
The commodity's wave function collides
Alienation's spin flips in quantum rift
As capital's entanglement subsides
Historical materialism's tensor flows
Through the curvature of bourgeois decay
Lumpenproletariat in spectral rows
Disintegrates in revolution's array
Oh, the Fourier transform of revolution
In the manifold of dialectic space
Comrades, let us normalize the solution
To the eigenvalue of the human race
Subsumption under capital's gravity
A dialectic in Hilbert's domain
Sublates the commodity's depravity
To abolish value's spectral reign
And so the quantum dialectic unfurls
In the superposition of red and black
The proletariat, in wave-particle swirls
Breaks free from history's spectral track