Bear Hands is an American post-punk and indie rock band consisting of Dylan Rau, Val Loper, Ted Feldman,
and TJ Orscher
Dylan Rau (vocals and guitar)
Val Loper (bass)
Ted Feldman (guitar)
TJ Orscher (drums)
From: Brooklyn, U.S. Genre(s):
Experimental rock,
indie rock,
post-punk Active From: 2006present Quotes:
"Dylan had some material he wanted to put with a band, and a project Val and I were working on for
the last half decade just ended. He said he knew the perfect guitarist and when we met up
and played for the first time, as cliche as it may be, everything just clicked. We started
writing material together, fleshing songs out and started playing some local shows
around NYC. We fight like brothers and love like mothers. The rest is magic."
-TJ Orscher