Woke up and got the morning paper
Off the sunny Sunday sidewalks of our little neighborhood Old man Taylor waved across the white picket fence
So I stood and talked to him a while
I asked him how his Sally was doing? He held back a tear in his eye
Some days are better than others So he said to me with a smile
Times are tough But we've got love
That's the one thing that we started with And that's enough
When times are hard It's easy to cry
I'm just trying to laugh with the ones I love While there's still time
There ain't no secrets here on Oak street
You can't hide a for sale sign and a U-haul in the yard Another family's losing their American dream
Just goes to show how bad things really are
Some of us just walk right on over Some chose to look the other way
As a father loaded up his wife and children in a car Surprised us all by what he had to say
Times are tough But we've got love
That's the one thing that we started with And that's enough
When times are hard It's easy to cry
I'm just trying to laugh with the ones I love While there's still time
I'm just trying to laugh with the ones I love While there's still time